For this month, reported prices for various types of CBD extracts, including Crude, were for the most part down from March. The exception is that for CBD Isolate, which ticked upward slightly, in part due to delta-8 THC demand. Detailed information on Delta-8 THC can be found in our full April 2021 report as well as our recent Hemp Market Insider article.
Rates for smokable CBD Flower rose for the second straight month. Prices for such product have trended upward overall for nearly a year at this point, having begun their climb in June 2020. Sales of smokable CBG Flower pale in comparison to those for CBD and prices are significantly lower as well.
The assessed price for CBD Biomass was largely stable again in April, continuing a trend that began around the time of the 2020 harvest. Steadiness in CBD Biomass pricing even as 2020’s crop has made its way to market suggests that current rates may be the momentary floor for such product.
Finally, prices for genetics of all types were up this month as planting season approaches. Notably, however, the assessed price for Feminized CBD Seed saw one of the smallest increase of any of the genetics covered in our reporting in April, perhaps due to the significant production of such seed in recent years.
State officials report decrease in license applications for hemp production as major row crop prices remain strong.
Domestic hemp grain market faces new and ongoing challenges, but opportunities are arising.
Assessing market size remains difficult; significant unknowns and recent events show projections are highly uncertain.
Hemp Benchmarks’ latest production estimate takes updated acreage, yield, and harvest data into account.
States and industry groups grapple with how to treat the intoxicating Delta-8 THC compound.
USPS rulemaking underway to determine whether vapes will be allowed to be mailed under new laws.
Updated 2021 licensing information and other regulatory developments from 14 states.
Canada adds several CBD cultivars to list of approved varieties; China proposes ban on hemp and CBD in cosmetics.
Planting hemp in 2021? We want to hear from you! In return, you’ll receive – if you wish – the results of the survey and be entered to win a complementary May Report!